Spinning World
Pick a random place and guess the country!
Detail Description of the Spinning World:
Spinning World is based on a game that used to be played on a real globe before the age of electronics.
The game is trying to capture the same idea of turning the globe and randomly selecting a location. The trying to guess some details about the country.
A few notes about the usage and what you should expect:
- The game is relying on the Apple map kit.
- By default, the game is in "difficult and globe mode". In this mode, country boundaries and names are hidden. The user must guess based on the continent and general area.
- In "Easy" mode, the country boundaries are displayed. The closer you zoom, the more detail you would see.
- To pick a new location, you can tap to select a land location. If you select a location that is on water or invalid, the point is rejected.
- Once you have picked a location, you can change your pick by selecting a new location or press "Delete".
- When you decide to play a new pin/location, you have 30 seconds to guess the country by selecting the name on the list. The maximum score per pin is 10 points. The total points per pin decreases by 3 points for every 10 seconds.
- If the timer expires before you guess the right country or you have selected 3 wrong countries, you lose the pin and you'll end up with -15 points.
- During the counting down, you could press the counter button to reveal the location. This action will cost you a point (-1 point).